08 9544 5200


Understanding Winter Cravings

Cravings. They’re those pesky little feelings that can throw you off your healthy eating routine in an instant. They also seem to come in full force during the colder weather!

Cravings are totally normal, but their type and frequency can have a negative effect on your health in the long run, if you don’t work with and understand them properly. That’s why we’re here to explain everything you need to know!

What causes food cravings?

Food cravings come from the parts of the brain that are responsible for memory, pleasure and reward. Some potential causes of cravings include:

Why colder temperatures bring more cravings

This study confirmed that participants consumed an average of 86 more calories per day in autumn, compared with spring and ate more fats in the winter months. Again, there are a few suspected reasons that we feel more cravings and consequently eat more, in the winter.


  • One, is perhaps due to an evolutionary instinct to eat extra food to survive the tougher conditions, just like many animals do.

Seasonal change

  • This study found that seasonal change can affect our hormone balance, and as we mentioned earlier, an imbalance of hunger hormones can increase cravings.
  • Also, the decrease in daylight hours in winter means less sun. Feeling the sun on your skin can release serotonin, so with less sun comes less serotonin, and consequently our body craves carbohydrates to get that good feeling.
  • A drop in body temperature can cause a longing for foods that will warm you quickly.

Home time

  • People often spend more time in their homes in winter, leaving more opportunities to mindlessly snack from the pantry.

How to kick your cravings

Drink plenty of water

It may surprise you, but simply having a glass of water might cure your cravings. Hunger and thirst produce similar sensations in the brain, which can make it hard to determine what you actually need. Staying hydrated will ensure you’re covering that base.

Prepare healthy snacks

Snacks that are high in protein and fibre can fuel your body’s heat mechanism, keeping you warmer and taming the need for carbohydrates to warm you up. Healthy snacks will also keep you full between meals and lessen those cravings.

Examples of some great snacks include tuna on some whole-wheat crackers, a handful of almonds or peanut butter on rice cakes. There are so many ideas online, you just have to find what’s right for you!

There’s always alternatives

Whether it’s a certain meal or snack you’re craving, make healthy choices by switching out high-calorie foods. If you’ve got a yearning for ice-cream, try some low-fat yogurt with berries. Instead of takeaway pizza, make it homemade with a whole wheat crust and loaded with roasted veggies. Swap normal chocolate for dark chocolate. Little things like this make it easy to enjoy your food, without sacrificing your diet!


Getting enough sleep, meditating, regular exercise and spending time on yourself will help regulate your hormone levels—including those that determine your hunger and appetite and decrease your cravings.

Talk to a dietician

If you’re having trouble with your cravings, or are worried that something might not be right, talk to a trusted doctor or dietician, who can help you through any issues you might be having. We highly recommend INDi Dieticians, the awesome team we consistently work with and refer our patients to. You can also book an appointment with Dr Padovan to discuss any concerns.

Get in touch

Do you have any questions about your eating habits after bariatric surgery? Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 9544 5200 to book your appointment with Dr Padovan or our awesome dieticians. We are always ready and rearing to help you with your bariatric journey.



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