08 9544 5200


Having a Tummy Tuck with Dr Padovan? Here’s What You Need to Know

abdominoplasty perth

Tummy tuck surgery (or abdominoplasty) involves the removal of excess skin and excess fat from the abdominal area and tightening the muscles under the skin. The surgery is one of our most popular cosmetic procedures among patients who had their bariatric surgery with Dr Padovan.

The tummy tuck is ideal for patients who are unable to get a flat and toned stomach through diet and exercise alone, and after weight loss surgery.

How does the Tummy Tuck procedure work?

There are three types of tummy tuck procedures. The one Dr Padovan will recommend will be tailored to achieve the results you want to achieve.

  • Partial abdominoplasty: This is known as the ‘mini tummy tuck’. It is effective if you have excess skin and fat below your belly button.
  • Full abdominoplasty: This is known as the ‘full tummy tuck’ procedure. During the full tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are mobilised to the ribcage, the belly button is repositioned, and excess skin and fat is mobilised and pulled down, and your muscle tone is thus improved.  The area below your belly button is also corrected.
  • Circumferential abdominoplasty: This is known as the 360 or full body lift. A strip of skin is removed from the back and sides of your body, and a full abdominoplasty is performed at the front. This is best for post-weight loss surgery patients who have excess skin at the front, a saggy bottom and excess skin at the back and excess fat on their sides.

The ‘mini tummy tuck’ is the same as the ‘full tummy tuck’. However, the tightening of the abdominal muscles is skipped during the ‘mini tummy tuck’.

Am I an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck with Dr Padovan?

We recommend the tummy tuck to clients who have controlled their weight through diet, exercise, or weight loss surgery (i.e. Bariatric surgery such as the gastric sleeve, gastric bypass or lap band).

However, the tummy tuck isn’t ideal for patients who:

  1. Are planning a future pregnancy
  2. Are trying or looking to lose a large amount of weight
  3. Have unrealistic expectations of their results after the tummy tuck (i.e. want to look like their favourite celebrity)
  4. Have trouble maintaining their weight

For these patients, we recommend they have the cosmetic procedure later. This is because changes in muscle tone and elasticity caused by weight gain, weight loss, or pregnancy may undo the benefits of their tummy tuck.

What happens during my tummy tuck procedure with Dr Padovan?

Your tummy tuck procedure with Dr Padovan takes two to five hours after you’ve been anaesthetised. This depends on the tummy tuck procedure you have.

The procedure is straightforward.

  1. Dr Padovan begins the procedure by making a horizontal incision between your hipbones.
  2. Then, he lifts the skin at the incision to access your abdominal muscles.
  3. After doing this, he tightens your abdominal muscles and stitches them to their new positions.
  4. He stretches the skin downward and removes any excess skin before closing the incision.

What is the recovery process like after tummy tuck surgery?

Like all cosmetic procedures, you can expect to remain in hospital after you have your tummy tuck. Your hospital stay can last up to a few days. When the time comes for you to leave the hospital, you will leave wearing a supportive garment and any drains placed on the surgical site.

It’s normal to experience pain and swelling in the days following your surgery. However, your recovery will depend on your health status and your type of tummy tuck.

It is very important that you follow Dr Padovan’s instructions after your surgery because he wants the best for you during your recovery. He will also prescribe you adequate pain medication to minimise your discomfort.

A week after your surgery, Dr Padovan will remove your stitches. A week later, the dressings covering your incision will also be removed, along with the drains.

How do I look after my tummy tuck scars?

After your tummy tuck, it’s important you care for your scars to ensure your body heals well.

Tummy tucks result in scarring because Dr Padovan makes an incision during surgery. However, Dr Padovan has years of surgical experience and minimises the length of your scar: he makes the incision low on your abdomen, so you can hide it under a bathing suit.

The way your scar heals will depend on other factors such as your age, skin type and whether you follow Dr Padovan’s aftercare instructions.

Here are a few general guidelines to expect when looking after your scars:

  1. Eat a healthy diet and keep hydrated
  2. Try to walk as soon as possible after your surgery to reduce swelling and your risk of blood clots
  3. Refrain from lifting heavy objects and avoid strenuous activity for at least six weeks
    You can learn more about how to look after your tummy tuck scars here.

Kat’s story

I had weight loss surgery with Dr Padovan and it changed my life. However, I was left with a large apron overhang. It affected both my ability to move and also created issues not only with my confidence and my sanity, but also physically when intimate with someone.

abdominoplasty dr padovan

I ventured down the tummy tuck road and never hesitated to go anywhere else as I trusted Gordon Padovan. I am absolutely ecstatic with the end result and I am blessed to have the procedure as it has completed my transition.

Dr Padovan is an amazing surgeon with an incredible bed side manner and a passion for his patients and profession and a great person!

Have your tummy tuck in Perth with Dr Padovan

Are you thinking of having a tummy tuck? Place yourself in the right hands with Dr Padovan. Contact our clinic today at 9544 5200 to book your appointment with him.

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08 9544 5200