08 9544 5200


Planning for your surgery

For a lot of people, surgery of any kind can create a bit of anxiety or stress. This is perfectly normal, and the Emerge Surgical team will do everything they can to put you at ease.

There are a few things to consider that may help your comfort levels before, during and after.

  • Communicate
    Talk to the people around you, including seeking out medical advice. Ensuring you have good medical advice is crucial to feel comfortable about what you are heading into. By talking to those around you, small pieces of advice will become clearer, and you can sieve through what you do and don’t need. There will be people who have gone through what you are planning, and their experiences can be a gold mine of information.
  • Prepare
    With anything major, good planning can be the difference between a good and bad experience. Plan out as much as you can with lists, putting the right things in place and have everything in order so you can simply focus on you. This also ties into the Communication, and if you have it all planned out well you just have less to worry about
  • Comfort
    You deserve to be as comfortable as possible, so ensure you bring all your creature comforts with you. Write out a list of your necessities for your stay at the hospital and the add your comforts. A good book, some entertainment, comfortable slippers or clothes, or even a pillow. Your sleep will be your friend, so pack everything you need for a sound sleep
  • Support
    Lean on your support network during recovery. They will be there for you when you need them most and will want to help. Communicate with them so everyone is on the same page.

Most importantly, be sure to look after your own well-being so that you can recover and hit those weight loss goals.

For any help with planning your surgery, you can reach out to the Emerge Surgical team or head to the Facebook Group where a community of patients share their experiences.

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08 9544 5200