08 9544 5200


How fillers can help your weight loss journey

So, you’ve just completed your weight loss journey. First of all, congratulations! It’s a journey not short of a rollercoaster ride—and that’s putting it mildly.

There are ups and downs, trials and tribulations, celebrations and bumps in the road. But, once you reach your goal, the feeling is indescribable. Losing weight is great for your physical and mental health—and especially your confidence.

Unfortunately, sometimes when the dream of shedding excess weight settles in as a reality and you come to terms with your new look, you may start to notice some differences in your face. Perhaps it doesn’t appear as toned as you had hoped, or maybe it’s looking a little more hollow and dull than what you’re used to.

It’s totally normal, but it can be really disheartening, especially when you’ve come such a long way to get here.

What’s happening to my skin?

The layer of fat beneath our skin (the subcutaneous layer) is what keeps it taut. When a large amount of weight is lost, the skin is too stretched to bounce back to its original form, which results in sagginess.

How much the skin does or does not bounce back depends on a couple of things—one, being how long the skin was stretched for, and two, the age of the skin (younger skin snaps back more).

A dramatic loss in your natural fat padding can also cause wrinkles and fine lines to appear more noticeable, as well as make some parts of your skin look gaunt.

How fillers can help to boost your self-confidence

What are fillers?

Fillers are made from a naturally occurring complex sugar, which is found within the tissues of your living cells. These sugars attract and hold water, which helps hydrate the skin.

How can they help my skin?

Fillers can improve your skin structure and elasticity by bonding with collagen and elastin, and therefore have the ability to solve many of your skin issues caused by weight loss.

They add natural volume to the skin, which helps correct any sagginess and hollowness. They also work to fill any fine lines and wrinkles that have become apparent.

Our clinicians are experts and can apply the fillers subtly, giving you the most natural look possible.

Are they painful?

Absolutely not! We make sure the procedure is as comfortable as possible for you.

It is a short treatment of around fifteen to thirty minutes, and we may even administer a local anaesthetic or numbing cream to the area. Your wellbeing is our priority!

How do I know if fillers are for me?

If you’re feeling any insecurity about your appearance after weight loss and would like a subtle solution, we’d love to help you! Whether it’s to book in your dermal filler procedure, or even if you’d just like to discuss which option would be great for you, we’re ready and rearing to answer any of your questions.

We can help


Whilst being an expert in weight loss surgeries, Dr Padovan is also the cosmetic surgeon at Timeless Cosmetics, where he performs facial rejuvenation procedures, such as dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers.

Timeless Cosmetics have clinics based in Mandurah, Albany and Narrogin. But for general enquiries and appointments, you can call 9544 5200, or email emergesurgical@gmail.com. You can also check out our contact page on our website.

We can’t wait to chat to you soon!

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08 9544 5200