08 9544 5200


Everything You Need to Know About SIPS Surgery

SIPS stands for Stomach Intestinal Pylorus-Sparing Surgery. It is a relatively new surgical procedure that combines the benefits of the sleeve gastrectomy and the standard gastric bypass. SIPS decreases the size of your stomach and bypasses part of the food digestion process to help you lose weight.

How does the SIPS procedure work?

The SIPS procedure combines the benefits of sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass.

During the first part of the procedure, Dr Padovan removes most of your stomach, leaving you with a reduced eating capacity and a reduced level of the hormone, ghrelin, that causes hunger.

The second part of the SIPS procedure involves dividing the top part of your small bowel to the top part of your small intestine. As a result, food bypasses part of your small intestine. This leads to a reduction in your consumption and absorption of calories and your weight loss.

How does Dr Padovan perform the SIPS procedure in Perth?

Dr Padovan performs the SIPS procedure in Perth from the Mount Private Hospital.

He does the procedure in three steps:

  1. He performs the standard sleeve gastrectomy
  2. He divides the top part of your small bowel (the duodenum) just beyond your stomach and;
  3. He hooks up your small bowel to the duodenum so that over half of your bowel is bypassed. This reduces the absorption of calories you consume.

What is the SIPS success rate?

Studies have shown that the SIPS procedure provides greater weight loss than the standard sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. Some studies have also shown patients lose 80-90% of their excess weight after the SIPS surgery.

However, long-term data beyond five years isn’t available because the procedure is relatively new.

What are the advantages of the SIPS procedure?

Compared to people who only had the sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass, people who have the SIPS procedure lose more weight.

Some other advantages of the SIPS procedure are:

  • Less risk of dumping and diarrhoea when compared to the gastric bypass
  • A more powerful metabolic effect than a sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass. This is great for people with Type 2 diabetes
  • Less risk of internal hernia (twisted bowel)
  • A suitable procedure for patients who have had the sleeve gastrectomy but have regained some of their weight or didn’t achieve a satisfactory outcome in the first place

Are there any disadvantages to the SIPS procedure?

Yes, there are disadvantages to the SIPS procedure.

  • Unfortunately, long-term data beyond five years is not available. This means that while you will lose a significant amount of weight after your surgery, more time and additional research is needed to know its long-term effectiveness
  • The procedure will cause an increase in the number of your bowel movements. The average is 2.5 times
  • The SIPS procedure carries an increased risk of leaks because there are two staple lines: one for your sleeve and one for your bypass
  • After your SIPS procedure, you will need closer nutritional follow-up than people who had the sleeve gastrectomy or the gastric bypass.

What is the complication rate for the SIPS procedure?

Like every major surgery, weight loss surgery has the potential risk for complications. This is more evident during revision surgeries such as the SIPS procedure if you’ve had the sleeve gastrectomy.

The complication rate varies significantly between surgeons. Dr Padovan has a low complication rate because of his extensive bariatric experience.

How does the SIPS procedure work if I’ve already had a sleeve gastrectomy?

Converting your sleeve to SIPS is straightforward. Since you already have the pouch, Dr Padovan only needs to create the bypass. The procedure should take 30-40 minutes operating time. Results vary for individual patients.

Am I eligible for the SIPS procedure?

Dr Padovan offers the SIPS procedure in Perth to patients who have gained weight over several years after having the sleeve gastrectomy and patients with Type 2 diabetes.
He also does the procedure for patients who want something more powerful than the sleeve but without the medium to long-term effects of the gastric bypass i.e. dumping syndrome.

The SIPS procedure however, isn’t suitable for you if you suffer from severe oesophageal reflux and Barrett’s oesophagus. The gastric bypass might be better for you.

As with every weight loss surgery procedure, only a professional surgeon with extensive bariatric surgery experience like Dr Padovan can properly establish if you’re an ideal candidate for the procedure. Call us to schedule your appointment with him at 9544 5200.

Have the SIPS surgery in Perth with Dr Padovan!

Have you regained weight after your sleeve gastrectomy? Maybe you’re suffering from Type 2 diabetes and are looking for a weight loss surgery alternative without the complications associated with the gastric bypass?
Contact our clinic today at 9544 5200 to book your appointment with Dr Padovan and learn more about SIPS.   

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08 9544 5200