08 9544 5200


Benefits of Bariatric Surgery on your Health

Bariatric surgery can do great things for your self-confidence. It can help you fall in love with yourself again, which is a great feeling. But, why else should you consider bariatric surgery with Emerge Surgical?

Well, there are a huge amount of benefits that weight loss has on your physical health that you might not have considered. Let’s take a look at just a few:


Decreased risk of heart disease

By losing weight, you are lowering your chance of suffering from heart disease. An article from the American College of Cardiology states that an increase in body fat can directly contribute to heart disease through artery and ventricle enlargement, and atherosclerosis.

Weight loss, exercise and healthy eating can help reduce these symptoms, and therefore your risk of heart disease. The article actually states, “some bariatric surgeries not only substantially improve cardiovascular disease risk factors but also reduce overall cardiovascular disease mortality.” What a great benefit!



Decreased joint pain

Did you know, according to Harvard Medical School, “when you walk on the ground, the force on your knee is the equivalent of 1 ½ times your body weight”?

So, it makes sense that, the more you weigh, the more pressure you are placing on the joints in your legs and the more subject they are to damage. Weight gain can also cause inflammation which might contribute to pain in other joints.

Bariatric surgery, along with a healthy lifestyle, will help you keep the pressure off your joints by keeping your weight at a healthy level.



Improvement of sleep apnoea

Have you ever had trouble sleeping? Well, weight gain can increase your chance of suffering from sleep apnoea—a disorder “in which breathing is briefly and repeatedly interrupted during sleep… which can cause fragmented sleep and low blood oxygen levels.”

An accumulation of fat in the neck area due to weight gain can obstruct your breathing and lead to sleep apnoea. Getting on top of your weight can decrease your risk of suffering from disorders like this one.



Decreased risk of certain cancers

The following information is gathered from Cancer Council WA.

Carrying extra body weight can increase your risk of suffering from 13 different types of cancer, including breast (postmenopausal), liver, kidney, bowel and thyroid. It’s pretty scary.

Excess body weight increases insulin resistance. This leads to the pancreas producing more insulin, and elevated levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 can promote the growth of cancer cells.

Being a healthy weight and leading a healthy lifestyle can help you avoid suffering from cancers caused by carrying excess body weight.



Get in touch

If you have struggled with weight gain and can’t seem to get back on track, we can help. Emerge Surgical is led by Dr Gordon Padovan, a highly-trained surgeon with extensive qualifications. We would love to help you become your healthiest self and reduce your risk of suffering from weight-related illness and disorders.

If you would like to book an appointment, please call our clinic on (08) 9544 5200. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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