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Having a figure you love can be a tremendous boost to your self-esteem. Liposuction, also called liposculpture, can help you get rid of nagging bulges and trouble spots that don’t seem to respond to diet and exercise, helping you feel good about the way you look. Perth based Dr. Gordon Padovan has always been at the progressive edge of advanced liposuction surgery techniques, including tumescent. If you are interested in having liposuction surgery in Perth or the Rockingham/Mandurah area in Western Australia, Dr. Padovan can help you safely achieve beautiful results.*

Liposuction Overview

Liposuction surgery can be used on almost any area of the body where fat tends to settle, including the neck, arms, abdomen, back, buttocks, hips, thighs and calves. The procedure can usually be completed on an outpatient basis.* Regardless of the area of body you wish to liposuction, the steps are similar. First, you will be given an anesthetic – either local or general – or an epidural, depending on which areas you are having treated. No matter which technique you and Dr. Padovan choose, you will be given fluids through an IV during the liposuction procedure. Once you are comfortable, Dr. Padovan will insert a thin hollow tube, called a cannula, into your treatment area. It is attached to a specialized vacuum that sucks up the fat cells as the cannula is moved through your tissue. Dr. Padovan always takes care to make as few small incisions as possible to minimize healing time and scarring.

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction, the safest liposuction method used by cosmetic surgeon Dr. Padovan, requires large amounts of fluid to be injected into the target area. To prepare for tumescent liposuction, Dr. Padovan creates a customized blend of anesthetic and intravenous saline solution, which is then injected into the body. This solution swells the fat pockets and allows the liposuction cannula to more easily move through tissue and remove the fat cells.

Tumescent liposuction is ideal for body areas that require precise fat removal, such as the face and calves. In many cases, tumescent liposuction is also the preferred choice for treating patients who wish to remove large areas of fat at once.

If you and Dr. Padovan select the tumescent liposuction technique, he will inject large amounts of an anesthetic liquid into your treatment area before making any incisions. The liquid helps to minimize your fluid loss, may reduce bruising, and may allow you to avoid the need for additional anesthetic.*

For more information on cosmetic choices, Dr Padovan offers a broad range of treatments. Feel free to visit his additional website: www.timelesscosmetics.com.au

*Results may vary for individual patients. Please consult your surgeon.

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