For 30 years my life had been a “Battle of the Bulge” but now after Gastric Banding I feel confident that I can go on to live a longer, healthier and happier life.
Following the birth of my last daughter in 1977 my weight was for ever see-sawing as I tried every diet and every support group available and it steadily increased until I reached 115 kg. Being a fairly tall person, I carried my weight well but was never happy at the restrictions it had on my life. I couldn’t buy the nicest clothes from any shop, I couldn’t fit properly into chairs and always looked for the most secure one, I couldn’t put the airline meal tray down when travelling and could never walk long distances without being puffed and out of breath.
In December 2006 after a visit to my family Doctor where I was told that unless I did something about my weight then I could be looking at the possibility of going into retirement and having knee and hip problems and even diabetics. It was then that I mentioned Lap Banding, having read an article about it, and my Doctor suggested that I make an appointment with a local specialist – Dr Gordon Padovan.
My first visit to Dr Padovan was early in January 2007 and immediately after talking with him I knew that this was what I wanted to do and needed to do. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but I was determined to give up whatever was necessary to improve my lifestyle. I visited with a recommended dietitian, and even the knowledge that I would probably never eat another juicy steak, did not deter me.
My operation was on February 22nd 2007 and now nearly 1 year later I can honestly say, I have never felt fitter and healthier and better about myself. I have lost 32 kg in this time and my goal is 35 kg.
I have adjusted to what I can eat and what I can’t eat and I enjoy experimenting with new recipes to include all the goodness I need.. I have joined a Ladies Gym where I go 5 times a week as well as walking and swimming nearly every day before going to work.
The support I have received from Dr Padovan, Jocelyn and Stephanie at the clinic, as well as all my family and friends, has been fantastic and I honestly believe that my decision to have Lap Banding was one of the best I have ever made in my life.
If you are obese and reading this, then I strongly suggest to you to do something about it now, and talk to Dr Padovan.